Wood is shredded, and magnetised to remove small fractions of metal allowing it to be used as fuel for eco-friendly biomass energy production.
Cardboard and paper is bailed before being distributed to paper mills who re-process it into new cardboard and paper products.
Plastics are sorted into several different types, each of which is sent to specialist recycling companies who have the facilities to melt, pelletize and re-mould each type of plastic, into new products.

Metals separated by types, pure metals and alloys, each is then fragmentised separately, pure metals are sent for reproduction and alloys are sent for the production of new steel.
Aggregates are crushed and screened before being sent for use in building and roadmaking projects.
Soils go to civil engineering companies and landscapers.
Cable is stripped and recycled for its copper content.
We are proud to say wastes which do not fall into the categories above are no longer sent to landfill, instead it is now shredded and sent to cement kilns where it is used to generate the enormous quantity of thermal energy required for the production of cement.
This is known as Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) or Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF)

Waste we receive;
- 20% residual, shredded and used as SRF in cement Kilns
- 30% timber, shredded and used as biomass fuel
- 20% rubble & soil, rubble is crushed and used as hard-core fill for road-laying, car parks and buildings.
- 10% metal, metals are segregated by type and class before being melted down and used to manufacture new products in both pure and alloy form
- 3% cardboard & paper, baled and sent to be remanufactured into new cardboard products
- 5% Ridged Plastics, Broken down, shredded and made into pellets to be used in the moulding of new plastic products
- 3% plasterboard, shredded using our custom built Plasterboard shredder and used to make new plasterboard.
- 2% uPVC Is sent to be melted and re-moulded into new products such as door and window frames